Friday 6 June 2008

Ex-Busted members lose royalties case

Pre-success Busted members Ki McPhail and Owen Doyle have lost a �10 million royalties battle against their former bandmates.

The pair, who were sacked from the band in 2001, claimed they were forced to sign away their song rights.

McPhail and Doyle said they helped write tracks, including the hits 'Year 3000' and 'What I Go To School For', when the boy band formed back in October 2001.

But the case's judge criticised the pair's evidence and dismissed their claims.

He also said who wrote the songs was irrelevant to his final decision as there had never been a contract or partnership between the band members.

Ex-Busted members James Bourne and Matt Willis released a statement after winning the case.

It said: "This was an opportunistic attempt by Doyle and McPhail to cash in on our success. Their claims were a complete fabrication and we are delighted that the judge has seen through this and totally dismissed them. Our position has been completely vindicated and our achievements with Busted remain untarnished."

According to
McPhail and Doyle are now considering an appeal.